dm drogerie markt
dm drogerie markt belongs to the biggest drugstore chains in Central and Eastern Europe. The first branch was openned in 1976 in Linz, Ausrtria. The head office is based in Salzburg, Austria. Nowadays dm drogerie markt is respectable chain of stores with over 3 500 stores in 13 European countries and 59 000 employees.
Economic success | For the financial 2016/2017 the turnover of dm concern, including the dm in Germany, comes up to 10 billion euros.
Satisfied customers | In dm Bulgaria work over 500 employees. The whole concern along with dm Germany provides a secure workplace to over 59 000 people. For nine years on the Bulgarian market dm drogerie markt has enjoyed an exceptionally high mark from customers. According to the annual survey by Nielsen for Bulgaria “Habits among shoppers” 2013 the index of strength of the brand dm grew for the third consecutive year. Data show that 91% of respondents in Sofia are familiar with the brand dm and 56% recommending it.
Number 1 for the clients | In the assortment of dm drogerie markt Bulgaria are presented over 14 000 items of the best local and international brands that cover a very wide range of high quality products categories: Face care, Hair and body, Decorative cosmetics, Home care, Baby care, Organic food, Food for pets and Photo accessories. Among them a special place occupies the products of the 23 dm home brands, which are characterized by excellent value for little money.
Phone: 032 30 69 81; 0882 466 479
Facebook: dmBulgaria
Instagram: dm_bulgaria
DM Bulgaria Mobile App – Google Play + App Store

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