Temporary working hours for Mall Plovdiv

Temporary working hours for Mall Plovdiv


In compliance with Order № РД-01-195 / 10.04.2020 from the Ministry of health because of the occuring pandemic situation the acces to Mall Plovdiv will be limited until 13.05.2020.

In compliance with Order № РД-01-197 / 11.04.2020 from the Ministry of health the acces to Mall Plovdiv will be possible only with a protective face mask.

DM store, the bank offices of DSK, First investment bank, SDI broker, A1 cash terminal and the Bitcoin ATM on the second flore will work from 10 AM to 7 PM trough the west entrances of the shopping center.

Because of the dynamic situation we reserve pur right to change those terms.

Намери в мола